HandsOn River Region
HandsOn River Region facilitated a new program funded by the United Way. This program used their existing 211 Program infrastructure, volunteers, local businesses, partnering organizations with community-focused services, and DoorDash. The impact this program and partnership made in the community was phenomenal. The success of this program quickly became a model for other Ride United Last Mile programs across the US. This was the opportunity to share the impact, and train other 211 United Way agencies.
It was determined that there should be two videos outlining the program, and addressing two different needs. One video was to be used as a demonstration, training, program history, and best practices. The second video was needed to show the program's impact and highlight partners. We scheduled multiple production days, and strategically planned around program activity to showcase the work in action. We scheduled interviews with the most visible persons and program-active in the organizations. This easily connected community.
And lastly, we used an enactment to demonstrate how the program was executed to meet the needs of the community. The result was two films, and many happy faces to know the impact story was told and documented for growth and future funding.
VIDEO 2: Demonstration
& Best Practices